Hi lovely readers! This week I start a new section in which I review a craft magazine or a book and I am kicking off with the super cool Sewing Box Mag. This is the English version of Spanish El Costurero (they are their own publishers) that I just got to know last year and couldn’t like it more. The content is beautifully curated with delicate images, sewing and knitting projects and the stories of makers from different fields. There are even super yummy recipes and free patterns to start you crafting! But one of the things I like the most is the beautiful illustrations they use for their covers… Take a look!

One of their lovely covers!
For this review I also interviewed Anabel, one of the founders of the magazine and here is what she said about this small business venture she started in 2008… 🙂 Grab a cup of tea and enjoy!
_Who’s behind The Sewing Box Mag?
Hi Ana! We are a small team. In our office in Seville works Roberto, who is in charge of the business side; Clara, who contacts designers and deals with customer service; and myself, managing the content and the media. Apart from us three we regularly work with illustrators, pattern designers, photographers… We are slowly growing and although we would like to become the next Martha Stewart (hehehe), we know it is a difficult market.

Mood board at The Sewing Box Mag offices 🙂
_When did everything start?
I opened a blog in 2006 about crafts and later on I edited an online magazine called We Love Crafts. Then a new trend of paper magazines started so I created El Costurero as a kind of fanzine. I wanted to produce a magazine with a craft Japanese look, usually called Zakka, and bring something new and fresh to the craft market. And what started as a hobby soon became a publishing company, with more issues published every year (4 regular issues and 2 specials), editions in other languages (like The Sewing Box) and even stationary and other kind of products like the kits we sell.
_How would you define The Sewing Box?
It’s a guide of everything that is cool in the craft universe: you can meet new designers, use old techniques to create modern stuff and learn with super creative and fun tutorials. It is something that makes you smile and that you want to keep on your bookshelf 🙂

A lovely crochet project
_Do you think we are living a revival of all things craft?
Since it become a trend in 2009 it hasn’t stopped growing! I think it is now part of the society, a lifestyle and a different way of consumption. It is what economic crisis and new millenniums provoke, they make us think in a different way, rethink everything around…
_In which way do you incorporate the ‘handmade attitude’ to your day?
I think on how I buy. In a more responsible way, trying not to generate so much waste, being more eco-friendly… But also as a way of expression by creating a project (sewing, knitting, anything…) for myself or for others.
_If The Sewing Box were a person, would it be a seamstress or a knitter?
Well… Something in the middle! 🙂 We try to mix both. That is why we also publish our special editions where we have 50% sewing content and 50% crocheting. Really couldn’t choose only one myself!

One of the sewing projects at The Sewing Box
_Any new project you are releasing soon?
Yes! We are very excited about our new sewing kits to make different collars in which we are also using beautiful illustrations by HolaDorita. We are still testing them, but hopefully will be ready very soon 🙂
_Regarding crafting supplies and inspiration. Any fabric, yarn, design and artist that you love?
For fabrics, Marimekko or the Japanese ones; 100% merino super bulky yarns; pop design and Frida Kahlo. Well, any strong and transgressor woman inspire us, also those who are not known. There’s so much talent in the world!

In love with this Miss Marple notebook 🙂
You can find The Sewing Box Mag at WHSmith, some newsagents and online.
Thanks for reading and see you here again next week! 🙂
(Head to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to know more about our super give away with The Sewing Box Mag! You’ve got time till next Friday the 25th 🙂 ).
*Note: Just to clarify, Coco Wawa doesn’t get paid or is given out anything in exchange for these reviews. We freely choose whichever or whoever we like to write about, because it fits with our style or because we know that it appeals to our readers 🙂