Learn to quilt

A Brief History of Quilting

A Brief History of Quilting

When did this beautiful craft started? I am sharing a brief and incomplete (as it would take way more than a post to explain it all) History of Quilting. I am...

A Brief History of Quilting

When did this beautiful craft started? I am sharing a brief and incomplete (as it would take way more than a post to explain it all) History of Quilting. I am...

Curved piecing CocoWawa Crafts quilting

Curved Piecing Made Easy

Worried about curved piecing? We've come to the rescue to share with you some of the best tips and tricks to sew the neatest of curves for your quilt.

Curved Piecing Made Easy

Worried about curved piecing? We've come to the rescue to share with you some of the best tips and tricks to sew the neatest of curves for your quilt.