Hello everyone!
I am here again to share another behind-the-scenes Weekly CocoWawa update :) Again, this first week of February has been all about working on the upcoming #cwbrokencirclesquilt. I managed to (finally!) finish the instructions and I sent both those and the pattern pieces to testers as well. This part of the process is usually quite nerve-racking, but! I am trying to stay positive and thinking that the lovely testers will like it as much as I do :)
Here you can see a pic of what my view has been all week! I use both Illustrator and InDesign to help me through this process. I am lucky that I already knew how to use this from my time as a journalist and writer. These two programs are the ones I have been using since launching my first pattern in 2016.

Apart from my usual virtual sewing and quilting teaching (more about that here), I have tried this week to really find some time for myself and my hobbies. I had been struggling a lot in the past few months with the move and lots of dealing with adulting stuff, that I forgot to take care of myself in that way. Does this happen to you as well?
Anyway. I managed to do a bit of knitting, working on my (I think fifth?!) #tinytasselsshawl. I loooove this pattern so much. It is a smaller than the usual sized shawl and so comfy to wear and to style with lots of outfits all year around (minus during heatwaves of course...). It is a free pattern you can find on the Loop London site.
I also prepared some yarn for my weekly meetup with my lovely friend Adriana. I love this time of the week so much! We just sat at a tea place, chat and craft. This week we are starting the Everyday Socks by Petite Knit using this amazing yarn from Knitters Heaven, a new German shop.
Oh! And I also managed to wash, dry and! mend the three quilts that I used the most around the house. It was my first time washing them after making them and, can I say that they feel so much softer and nicer now? :)
Regarding next week, it will be all about cutting. I want to prepare pieces for the two samples of the Broken Circles Quilt that I will be making and! I also want to cut the pieces for the Ombre Gems Quilt that I am doing as a personal project.
I am glad I have good rotary cutters. One is the usual 45mm and the other one is 28mm, perfect for cutting curves and corners. Both are from Olfa. Which brand do you use?
Next week I will also film a YouTube video (finally!) about the personal crafty projects I am working on at the moment going from knitting, to cross stitch, quilting and yes!, even dressmaking!
Thanks for reading and I will see you again next week.
Lots of love,